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Please choose the day and location you would like to book. Somebody will then review your information, send you payment details and confirm your place on camp via e mail.
Which week? * (2025)Click Here To Choose Your WeekApril 7th - WINCHESTERApril 8th - HORSFORTHApril 9th - SALTAIREApril 10th - PETERSFIELDApril 10th - BINGLEYApril 11th - DEVIZESApril 11th - ROUNDHAYApril 14th - WOOTTONApril 14th - WINTERTONApril 15th - KIPPAXApril 16th - BIGGLESWADEApril 17th - POTTONApril 17th - ELLAND
Campers Name *
Campers Age *
Campers Date of Birth *
Any Food Allergies?
Any Relevant Medical History or Allergies?
Any Behavioural or Learning Difficulties?
What trick or skill would the camper like to try and learn on camp?
Parent or Guardians Name *
Primary Address - Line 1 *
Primary Address - Line 2 *
Primary Address - County *
Primary Address - Postcode *
Parents Email Address *
Parents 2nd Email Address
Parents Phone Number *
Parents 2nd Phone Number
I have read, understand and agree to all the terms and conditions. (please see the FAQ and Camp Rules) * I want the camper to wear a helmet at all times whilst riding. (optional)
Please note, all items marked with an asterix * are required in order for the booking form to send.
Username or email address *
Password *
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