Every year we’re stoked to work with some of the best riders in the country. Keep an eye on our blog or facebook page to see who’s coming on your week – but whoever they are, you’ll get to ride all day and night with them – ask them for tips if you want – and hang out with them later and smash them on Xbox! Check out some videos and news – from all the riders, past and present of Rubicon BMX Camp.
Josh Cox
DK \ Fist \ Custom Riders \ Bawbags \ Iron Fist …
Before joining us for camp, Josh was out in France for the Watsa Festival and FISE World Series Contest but you’re bound to have seen him before when he’s been smashing it at Simpel Session or taking 1st place at the Bedworth Jam. Top rider – ’nuff said.
Jack Clark
Haro \ Vocal \ Vans \ Custom Riders \ Moore Large Distro \ Extreme …
He’s been smashing the UK and Euro scene for a while now so you’re bound to have seen him at some of the big comps like Simple Session and NASS and in the last few years he took top honours at King of Croncrete, 2nd at Boardmasters and 3rd at Braaab – not to mention his World First ‘180 Triple Bus’ at the FISE World Series!
Emerson Morgan
Subrosa \ Alibico \ Crucial \ Tempest …
First described to us as a ‘street assassin’, Emerson must be one of the most technical riders we’ve ever seen – his Power Hour edit was insane, clocking up new sponsors like Subrosa and Alibico, spent ten days filming for ‘Brighton Ain’t Ready’, and is absolutely killing it.
Mat Armstrong
Madd Gear \ Black Veins Clothing \ T1 Skatepark
Whether it’s in France for the FISE World Tour, Canada for the Toronto Jam or England for NASS, Mat’s always out in the action. He filmed a great part for The After Dark Takeover and has done clinics in Dubai and demos at the Maclaren headquarters. A great person to have on camp.