Glad we finally met Josh properly!!!

We had known about Josh for ages, events, just skating, through other skaters and socials etc… but hadn’t really crossed paths properly. Until 2024, where he kindly joined us for a few jams. And he did not disappoint!

At the Clacton on Sea Jam he was tweaking it every which way under the sun! Mad pop, style for days, massive bag of tricks, tech bits and pieces, it was endless.

Any way – he’s London based, often seen shredding Bay Sixty Six, and he’s staying on our radar for sure. If he’s not on your radar, crawl out from under that rock you’ve been living under, and wake up. He’s here and he’s killing it – hopefully with us more next year.

#london #londonuk #londonskater #londonskaters #londonskateboarder #londonskateboarding #skateboardgb #skatecamp #indoorskatepark #skateanddestroy